
Your feedback is very important to us, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you experience any technical issues or have any questions, feedback or improvement suggestions. Your privacy matters to us, view BlingCall’s ‘Privacy and Terms of Service’ for more information.


How to use

Step 1 - Download the App.
Step 2 - Please provide all the neccessary permission required.
Step 3 - Select your favorite theme from various options or Add your own photo / video.
Step 4 - You are all set! Ask your friend to call you.
Step 5 - See the colorful call screen when your phone rings.


* Please check, if all the required permissions are given.
* In the Phone Settings -> go the Applications - Turn on the AutoStart Permissions for BlingCall App.

How Can I Change My App Language?

To change your app language, go to settings -> app language -> choose which language you want your dialer displayed in.
Note – we are always looking to expand our localization efforts! Please write to us via Email if you would like to help us translate BlingCall into your language.